Sunday, February 15, 2009

EUROPA 2009 - Astronomy - Stamp by Slovakia

EUROPA -2009 Astronomy
To be issued on 28 May 2009

This year's EUROPA theme is Astronomy. Here is a stamp to be issued by Slovakia in May on this theme. Another stamp on decorated eggs to be issued by Slovakia for Easter.

Date of Issue - 27 February 2009

Easter 2009 - Decorated Easter Eggs

Painted and decorated eggs are intrinsically associated with Easter. They symbolize spring and new life, for Christians they are associated with the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The symbolism of the egg dates to pagan times when it was associated with fertility and the cycle of life. This may be the reason why the tradition of putting eggs into a grave alongside the deceased existed in many ancient cultures. A similar custom in the Slavonic territory is documented as early as the 9th century when items put into graves in Kiev Russia included pĂ­sanky – decorated eggs modelled from clay. Some medieval works of literature from the Slavonic territory even suggest that ancient Slavs believed in the origination of the world from a cosmic egg.

The custom of egg decoration connected with the celebration of spring in the greater Slavonic territory is still found. Hen, duck and goose eggs are most often used for decoration. Various egg-decorating techniques are used in different Slovak regions. The most traditional include waxing, tie-dying, etching, scraping, sticking with grass or straw, and the wiring of eggs.In addition to variously decorated eggs – kraslice – which served both as decoration and a present, the Easter celebration is also associated with the custom of cooking and eating eggs. Eggs as the symbol of life were thought to serve, especially in the past, as a source of life power and regeneration after an arduous winter.