Friday, June 4, 2010

Club News

Hi ! I have just published June issue of Rainbow Stamp News on Blog. I am sorry that this issue is a bit delayed due to my over busy schedule. Somehow I spared time to publish it on Blog today. The issues will be sent to subscribers soon. It may take sometime. To view this issue just click to .I have received some pics from Mr Pradip Jain to share here with all of you of LONDON 2010. Heartiest Congratulations to Mr Jain who won Gold Medal with Best in Class award at this International Philatelic Exhibition ! This is all for this evening….Till Next Post…Have a Nice Time !



The London 2010 was a grand show to be remembered. My new exhibit in one frame class did very well scored 94 points. The Gold Medal announced on 11th May. There were five Gold Medal given in the one Frame Exhibit Class including me .

The one frame exhibit is now FIP Official Class from London - 2010. Earlier The one frame was in FIP experimental class . On 15th May the Palmare - Award night of London - 2010, Only six Awards were presented the London - 2010 Grand Prix and the 'Best of Class' in each. The details are given below.

I was thrilled and over joyed when India & My Name was announced there as one of the recepients of 'Best of class Award'. All the jury Presidium highly praised and complimented my exhibit . I am very happy that this prestigious Award of London - 2010 came to India.

From Patna Mr. Sanjay Jain, a philatelist also joined me in this journey to London - 2010 .

The winners of the Best in Class Awards

  • Traditional Class
    Yo-Chi Kim
    South Korea
    Great Joseon and Daeha Empire (1884-1909)
  • Postal History Class
    Steven Walske

    United States
    Heart of the West: San Francisco as a Postal Hub from 1849 to 1869
  • Postal Stationery Class
    Alan Holyoake
    United Kingdom
    The Introduction and Usage of the Mulready Envelope and Letter Sheet Stationery
  • One Frame Class
    The Development of the Airmail Route Cairo-India 1918-1929
  • Aerophilately Class
    Peter Motson
    United Kingdom
    Newfoundland Airmail Stamps & Airmail Flights: 191 9-1 948
  • Thematic Philately Class
    Joshua Magier
    Land Cultivation from the Beginning of Agriculture to the Present Time

London 2010 stamp exhibition - a view of the Mezzanine level with many of the stand holders and

A view of LONDON 2010

Awards and Special Prize

Awards & Special Prizes

Mrs. Pramila Jain , Mr. Pradip Jain with his son Pragya Kothari Jain

Mr Pradip Jain with his family at exhibition hall ( Mrs Pramila Jain & their son - Praggya Kothari)

Mr. Pragya Kothari, Mr. Sanjay Jain Philatelist Patna with Mr. Pradip Jain in London 2010

Praggya Kothari, Mr Sanjay Jain & Mr Pradip Jain

Raymond Todd FIP vice President and Jury London 2010 showing the Gold award batch in my one fram

Raymond Todd FIP Vice President & Jury, London 2010 showing Gold Award Badge on Mr Jain’s one Frame exhibit