Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Queen's Security Handbag?

June 8, 2010- Photo by WPA Pool/Getty Images Europe

I know she's the Queen, and she has her whole thing going on with the sensible shoes, the matching handbag, the pearls, and the brooch. The lady is an institution, and it's comforting to know that some things never change. That, plus the fact that she's still plugging away at it at the ripe old age of 84, buys forgiveness for a myriad of sins in my book...

June 8, 2010- Photo by WPA Pool/Getty Images Europe

...including the wearing of a dress which is not so much a floral print as a bag of garden cuttings thrown across a fabric canvas during these diplomatic credential presentations at Buckingham Palace. But all institutions aside, what's the point of the handbag? Your Majesty, you're indoors! And near tables and desks and other items available to hold anything you might think you need. Is this a security blanket situation?