Saturday, August 28, 2010

New Stamp on Mental Health

To be issued on 7 September 2010

The new stamp to be issued by Canada Post stamp features a mental health patient on the path towards recovery. According to Louis Gagnon of the MontrĂ©al-based design firm Paprika, “The lines that flow through the stamp cross over one another to represent the plight of a troubled mind moving toward a sense of peace as they rise up the mountain.” A tree, a universal symbol of growth, healing and renewal, sprouts at the mountain’s summit.

In 2008, Canada Post set out to eliminate the misconceptions associated with mental illness, establishing the Canada Post Foundation for Mental Health. From the generous support of employees, customers and suppliers, Canada Post has raised more than $2.5 million for the Foundation and hopes to raise another $2 million by the end of this year.

My New Cover from Poland

I have just received this nice cover from Poland featuring Polish Flora. Thanks to Andrzej Bek  for this beautiful Registered cover !

Picture 002

Thanks to Andrzej !