Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Wildlife Caring…

Date of Issue - 5 October 2010


Stamp & Medallion Cover

Hi ! Here are some most beautiful stamps issued by Australia Post yesterday featuring wildlife caring. The stamps are just wonderful showing cute animals being cared and rescued. I don’t think that any Postal administration has ever issued such beautiful stamps on wildlife caring. Kudos to the designers and Australia Post for these awesome stamps which have one won the hearts of philatelists. Protection and care of Wildlife is a Global issue and Australia Post has very well projected this important issue through these magnificent stamps and other beautiful philatelic items. The Maxim cards, Gutter pairs & FDCs have exquisite designs conveying the best message for wildlife caring. The stamps are very striking and catch a viewer’s attention to have a soft corner and compassion for innocent animals. I am very pleased to share these stamps here as coincidentally wildlife week is also being celebrated in India from 2nd October – 8th October to arouse public consciousness to protect and preserve wildlife.This is all for today…Till Next Week….Have a Great Time !!


Date of Issue – 5 October 2010

Wildlife Caring


Rescue To Release !!



Gutter Pairs with designs


Stamp Booklet


Maximum Cards

: Australia Post


Wildlife Week in India : 2 October – 8 October

With a view to preserve the fauna of India, particularly to take urgent steps to prevent extinction of any species, the Government of India established an Indian Board of Wild Life (IBWL) in 1952. The Board has since been doing pioneering work to arouse public consciousness in favour of wildlife preservation.In order to arouse a general awakening in the common man in favour of protection of wildlife, the IBWL decided to observe the Wildlife Week from October 2 - 8 every year.

Rare Fauna

Our lives would be very much poorer without these varied forms that build up the balance of nature. Wildlife preservation implies active and planned wildlife management under which all forms of life would progress side by side with human progress, each in its own sphere of influence and utility and without any detriment to human interests. In fact, it is with this end in view that wildlife sanctuaries and national parks have been established and developed in suitable localities all over the country.
