Monday, January 3, 2011

Best of 2010: Charlene Wittstock

This week I'm picking out my favorite outfit worn by each of the royals I've covered regularly here on the blog. Join in the fun!

Oh, I'm torn. I can't decide whether I like Charlene or not. (Fashion-wise, I mean. This is not a personality discussion.) She'll stun in one turn, and then retreat to a month of appearances in nothing but black. Even the stunner appearances tend to be neutrals, which is bound to get old. I shall reserve my final judgment until after the wedding, but you know I'm always rooting for a new star on the royal fashion scene. Until then, I take comfort in a few of those fabulous showings:
Armani at the Red Cross Ball, with perfect jewelry to boot. My favorite of 2010.

Honorable Mentions
Hard to find honorable mentions for this future princess (see: the above complaint about all the black outfits). But I did adore this simple white appearance at the Asprey World Cup - great for a polo match. And, even though it's another beige dress, her appearance at Victoria's wedding was very well put together.

Tell me: What was your favorite Charlene appearance from 2010?

Photos: Samir Hussein/Getty Images Europe/Zimbio