Sunday, January 2, 2011

Best of 2010: Princess Mathilde

This week I'm picking out my favorite outfit worn by each of the royals I've covered regularly here on the blog. Join in the fun!

Some of these royals were filled with an abundance of options for me to pick from, and some were not. As much as I adore Princess Mathilde, she was one of the ladies that did not have a bountiful sartorial year. Lots of awkward Natan turns. But I will always adore this dress:
This repeated Armani is lovely, and this is one of the occasions on which her whole look - jewelry, hair, accessories, dress - played together nicely. I hope we see it again in 2011!

Honorable Mentions
Mathilde put in two pretty in pink appearances at Victoria's wedding - in one of the only Natan outfits I liked this year, and then again in Armani Privé. Plus, I had to pick a casual outfit: it just seems so much more who Mathilde really is than the overly glam stuff. This well-coordinated mom-on-the-go outfit was a great choice for a playground visit.

Tell me: What was your favorite Mathilde outfit this year?

Photos: Bjorn Lindahl/Aftonbladet/WireImages/Belga