Monday, January 3, 2011

First Estonian stamp with Euro Curency



Date of Issue – 1 January 2011

Estonia joined the Euro zone as its newest member on 1st January 2011 and Estonian Post issued a stamp to celebrate this occasion. The stamp issued to mark Estonia's transition to the euro currency is the first Estonian stamp on which the face value with the symbolical denomination of ˆ1  is indicated in euros alone. Stamps with the face value in kroons will be valid for postage until December 31, 2013; stamps with the face value in two currencies will be valid for postage indefinitely.

Club News


Central India Philatelic Society is the leading Philatelic organization of M.P. It was established in the year1974 and organized more than 20 National / Regional Philatelic Exhibitions at various places. Lot of special covers, folders, souvenirs etc. have been published by this Society. Monthly meetings of the Society are being organized on the first Sunday of the month at the residences of its members. New Year Meet and first Monthly meeting of the year 2011 was organized on Sunday 2nd Jan. 2011 at Satna (M.P.) at the residence of Secretary Mr. Sudhir Jain.


It was well attended by the members of Satna, Rewa, Maihar, Panna etc. Meeting was presided by the Society President Mr. Ramesh Lajpatrai. Joint Secretary Mr. Rajendra Agarwal "Shashi" welcomed all the members and P.R.O. Mr. Thakur Khilwani presented Report of the activities of the Society during the whole year 2010. Members given best wishes for the happy and prosperous New Year.


Following decisions were taken in the meeting -

1. Central India Philatelic Society will organize next Regional Exhibition CITPEX-2011 in the month of May / June 2011.

2. Philatelists should discourage pre-mature issues.

3. Postal Department should organize Madhya Pradesh Philatelic Exhibition MAPPEX at the earliest, as there is long gap of seven years since last MAPPEX held in Jan. 2003..

4. At least six members should visit INDIPEX 2011 at Delhi.

All the members congratulated to Mr. Sudhir Jain for winning Bronze medal in the Stamp of India National Exhibition SINE for his exhibit JAINISM and given best wishes for his exhibit ROTARY ON STAMPS which will be exhibited in the INDIPEX-2011.

Members also congratulated to Mr. Thakur Khilwani for exhibiting his rare collection of Autographs in the Vindhya Vyapar Mela organized at Satna from 24th Dec. 2010 to 2nd Jan. 2011.

Mr. Ashok Mahule informed that his one old coin of Rewa State was printed on the cover of recent Todiwala Auction Catalogue and sold at Rs. 30,000/- at Kolkata.

Mr. Sudhir Jain displayed his recently prepared one frame exhibit on Puri Rath Yatra issue and recent addition in his Currency Note Collection. Mr. Sudhir Jain, Mr. Vinod Sahu and Mr. Ashok Mahule distributed gifts and some members exchanged their materials. New Philatelic books and periodicals distributed to the members on return basis.

- Sudhir Jain,

Secretary,Central India Philatelic society,Sushma Press Compound,SATNA (M.P.) 485 001, India.

Phone : 07672 – 257299  E-mail :

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