Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

Welcome to 2011, my lovelies! What did you do with your New Year's Eve? Did you party it up?
No judgments. We all need a stash of stories that'll make our future descendants blush. Personally, I passed the evening in my usual fashion:
I highly recommend it.

Announcement time! Nostalgia's gotten the best of me, and I've been choosing my favorite 2010 outfit from each of the ladies I cover regularly here. I'll be sharing those this week, starting tomorrow, so be sure and show up to tell me what I forgot. Then next week the regular weekly/monthly recaps will pick back up - new year, new fun to comment on!

Friends, I hope the new year brings you many moments like this:
And not a single, solitary moment like this:

Many thanks to those of you that have joined in my fun this past year, and I hope you'll stick around for another year of sartorial splendor!