Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Top 10 Worst of 2010: #8. Sarah Ferguson at Alice Ferguson's Wedding

Sarah Ferguson didn't even make that many appearances in 2010, yet there were two serious contenders among them for my little list. Quite a feat, that. Both well done and exceedingly poorly done at the same time.

There was this one, of course. Oh, Sarah. But this one takes the cake for me:
Where do I even start? Let's just dig right in: the dress carries a distracting pattern and a distracting neckline, and then she's gone and placed it under a jacket which has it's own serious amount of STUFF going on, and all that goes under a fascinator that has yet more things happening on it. The bag's for evening, the shoes are more for day, and neither is an appropriate match to the whimsy that dress is trying to bring to the ensemble.

You can not use the art of TOO MUCH to distract from the fact that you can't dress yourself properly for your own age. Attempt it, and you shall find yourself on the Worst list. I'm sorry, but those are the rules.

Photo: Daily Mail