Sunday, April 17, 2011

Week in Review: Catherine Middleton, 10-16 April

Here's what Catherine wore from 10-16 April:

  1.  a) Visiting Darwen, in Northern England, 11 April. The jacket is Amanda Wakeley from 2007 (which apparently qualifies it as "vintage") and the shoes are L.K. Bennett (b), and the bag's showing some nice detailing (c).
Overall, a nice appearance. "Fine", I believe, is how I put it to a reader that emailed to ask my thoughts after the event. She pulled her hair back, and that always gets bonus points with me. I like the detailing on the jacket; it adds some youth to what could very easily be an aging ensemble. And I like that she dipped into the Amanda Wakeley pool, since she was one of the designers I hoped she might consider for her wedding gown. Though I prefer my Middleton with a little more meat on her bones, I thought she looked happy and had a good vibe with William during the event, and that's more important. I don't care for the shoes, but if you're just going to do this to them, I suppose it doesn't really matter:

Now, if you're 100% happy with this appearance, you're welcome to wait here for me while I nitpick, but there's a reason why "fine" is the highest praise I'm coming up with. Last week, smart cookie Wendy left a comment that got me thinking. Wendy reminded us all of the Queen's method of dress, which is to wear bright colors so people can see her. And that's all that runs through my mind when I see these pictures of Kate.
When you first look at that picture, who do you look at? My eye jumps right past Kate to the turquoise lady with the child's umbrella. With the rain, the dark umbrellas, and William's navy suit, I just felt like she blended in. I can't help but pine for a sunshine yellow, or an Easter shade of pink to brighten things up and make her the stand out.

Do you agree, or am I alone here? (Wouldn't be the first time.)

Photos: L.K.Bennett/Style/Chris Jackson/Getty Images Europe/Zimbio