Monday, May 9, 2011

Special Cover from Thiruvannamalai

Hi ! Here is a very special cover from Thiruvannamalai, sent by our reader Mrs. Radha Ramalingam. Mrs Ramalingam is the designer of this cover. The cover features Shri Arunachaleshwar Temple of Thiruvannamalai and was issued in the year 2007. More details about the temple are given below. Many thanks to Mrs Ramalingam for this nice cover !! This is all for today…Till Next Post …Have a Nice Time !!

Picture 114

Picture 115

Picture 114

Permanent Cancellations

I am giving here a series of permanent cancellations. Readers may send scans of permanent cancellations of their states for publication in this column. Here are the cancellations from Gujarat.


Guj 1

Mahatma Gandhi School, Rajkot

Guj 2


Courtesy : Vijay Modi, Himmatnagar – Gujarat email :