Saturday, June 11, 2011

Stamps on endangered animals..

Date of Issue : 3 June 2011

Singapore Post issued a set of four stamps on 3 June 2011 featuring endangered animal, Oriental Small-Clawed Otter.


The Oriental Small-Clawed Otter, also known as the Asian Small-Clawed Otter, is rare in Singapore, but has been recorded from the north-western coast of Singapore namely the Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, Pulau Ubin and Pulau Tekong. The Oriental SmallClawed Otter is regarded as vulnerable by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) in its Red List of Threatened Species. It is distinguished from other Asian otters by its small size, and small hands and feet with short claws that do not extend beyond their partially webbed fingers and toes. The Oriental Small-Clawed Otter inhabits mangrove swamps and freshwater wetlands.

Discussion : Appropriate special cover


Philatelic Critical analysis

In this column critical analysis of the philatelic items will be published. Interested collectors may send scans of philatelic items for expert comments by Dr Avinash Jagtap. The idea behind this column is to provide right philatelic knowledge to the readers .


Double Cancellation Cover

Contradicting facts

The above special cover issued during Ahimsapex – 2010, an exhibition on Gandhi exhibits.It must have a stamp and cancellation on Gandhi.

2. The cover featuring both Gandhi and Tagore in the illustration, must have a Tagore /Gandhi stamp

3.The cancellation shows 150th birth anniversary of Tagore. But the cover was issued on 3 Oct 2010 .The 150th birth anniversary is being celebrated in 2011.

4. The exhibition was on Mahatma Gandhi ( Ahimsapex 2010 ) so cancellation should have connection with Gandhi. The cover illustration, stamp and cancellation do not match with each other which should have common connection. No use of taking another cancellation of First issue of Tagore stamp on the same cover. This cover could give you negative points in the exhibition. Read expert comments by Dr. Avinsah B. Jagtap .

Two special cancellations on the same cover ……..

The first cancellation showing Tagore was impressed on a stamp which has nothing to do with Tagore. The cancellation must have some direct relation with the illustration on the stamp. In fact the whole cover has three different themes and they are not at all inter-related. First the choice of the illustrated blank Cover as it is available before affixing a stamp shows Mahatma Gandhiji and Rabindranath Tagore. This indicates that the stamp which will be affixed must have to do with Mahatmaji AND Rabindranath Tagore, but in fact the stamp shows another personality......"Virchand Raghav Ji Gandhi" . (different from Mahatmaji) and the first special cancellation shows Rabindranath. So this is a very much absurd situation and this Cover has no philatelic bearing. In fact it is a trash, "kitsch"! By adding another stamp on Rabindranath Tagore and putting one more special cancellation, the whole thing has become very ridiculous. This can not be considered something of any value and shows only the poor philatelic knowledge of the collector.

- Dr Avinash B. Jgatap, Switzerland

Club News


The India International Hot Air Balloon Mela was held in Delhi from 13th to 28th November 2010. The inaugural hot air balloon was from near Rajghat, Mahatma Gandhi Memorial. This was the first time a Hot Air Balloon Flight was initiated from near Rajghat.

To commemorate this event, 50 individually numbered Special Cards were prepared by Nikhil Mundra, Gandhi Philatelist ( All 50 cards were then flown aboard the inaugural flight of the Balloon Mela from Rajghat on the 13th November 2010.

The cards feature an artwork depicting the Rajghat memorial, the main gate and the 0 km milestone at Rajghat.

For more details visit:

- Nikhil Mundra email :