Friday, August 5, 2011

New Stamp on EUROPA 2011 -Year of Forests



Date of Issue: 30th July 2011

Albania Post issued a stamp and MS on EOROPA 2011 ( Forests) theme on 30 July 2011. The year 2011 is  being celebrated  as  The International Year of Forests around the world with the issue of new stamps on ‘Forest’ theme.


For Complete list of Europa 2011 (Forests) stamps Click

2011 EUROPA Stamps


- The United Nations has declared 2011 as International Year of Forests. During the year all 48 members of PostEurop will be issuing Europa stamps which illustrate the biological, ecological and climatic benefits of forests.
"The Europa issue (also known as Europa - CEPT until 1992) is an annual joint issue of stamps with a common design or theme by postal administrations member of the European Communities (1956-1959), the European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT from 1960 to 1992), then the PostEurop Association since 1993."
The first Europa stamps were issued in 1956 . This year the new Europa logo featuring a grapic depiction of a mail recepticle will be incorporated into the designs.PostEurop is the association which represents the interest of 48 European public postal operators. Committed to supporting and developing a sustainable and competitive European postal communication market accessible to all customers and ensuring a modern and affordable universal service, PostEurop promotes cooperation and innovation bringing added value to the European postal industry.
For more on PostEurop and the 2011 Europa stamps,
click here.

Vote for Best EUROPA Stamp 2011 – Forests

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Click here for details

The 2011 EUROPA Stamps Competition is now open!
It is a tradition for PostEurop to launch the competition on Europe’s Day every year.
Europa stamps emphasize cooperation within the postal area, particularly as regards the promotion of philately, and contribute to raise public awareness about Europe’s common roots, culture and history as well as its common objectives.

It is true that together, we are stronger. We therefore aligned our theme for 2011, Forests, with the International Year of Forests, to collaborate with the United Nations programme on the subject.PostEurop is proud to present the 2011 Europa stamps and to declare the competition officially open!
It is now up to you to elect the most beautiful Europa stamp 2011...

Have fun and may the most beautiful stamp win!

Select the best EUROPA Stamp