Saturday, August 6, 2011

New themes for US 2012 stamps….




US Postal Service will issue stamps on Dance, Literature and Nature in 2012.  Three new U.S. stamp subjects were unveiled by the U.S. Postal Service in early August. These are: Innovative Choreographers, O. Henry and Earthscapes.

In 2012, USPS will pay tribute to Isadora Duncan, Jose Limon, Katherine Dunham, and Bob Fosse. Designed to look like posters advertising a performance, the stamp art captures the luminosity and mystery of a live dance performance.


USPS will also commemorate the 150th anniversary of the birth of O. Henry with a stamp in its Literary Arts series. The short stories of O. Henry are beloved for their irony and skillful unfolding of plot; often, they end with a surprise twist. This prolific author wrote nearly 300 tales, most in the final eight years of his life. By the time of his death, he was the most widely read storyteller in America and was internationally admired.


Finally, the Earthscapes issuance offers stamp customers an opportunity to see the world in a new way. The stamp pane presents examples of three categories of earthscapes: natural, agricultural, and urban. The photographs were all created high above the planet's surface, either snapped by "eyes in the sky" - satellites orbiting the Earth - or carefully composed by photographers in aircraft.

Club News

From our Readers…

Mr Sanjiv Jain of Dehradun  has prepared Maxim Cards on recent stamps issued on Rashtrapati Bhawan.



Note :  For these  Max cards New Delhi is the most appropriate place for cancellation.