Monday, August 15, 2011

Week in Review: Crown Princess Mary, 31 July - 6 August

Here's what Mary wore from 31 July - 6 August:

  1. a) Annual family photoshoot at Graasten Castle, 1 August, in b) Prada. Love this look! If you happen to have seen something similar and less expensive to this available anywhere, help a fellow reader out and leave a comment.

  2. Riding around Graasten.

  3. a) At a conference for the International Federation of Medical Students Associations, 6 August, in b) Prada. I love the shoes (c) enough to make up for the dress, which is just another Prada thing I don't care for (#1 being an exception).

Everybody showed up for the well-coordinated family photoshoot, of course: Frederik and Mary and their brood of four, Joachim and Marie and little Henrik plus Joachim's two sons from his first marriage, Benedikte along with Gustav and his permanent girlfriend Carina, and of course Margrethe and big Henrik to round it out.

And as per usual, Princess Isabella provided the day's entertainment.
Oh, she's a gem.

Photos: Niels Henrik Dam/Billed Bladet/Getty Images/Daylife/Svenskdam/PurePeople/Abaca