Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Week in Review: Princess Máxima, 11-17 September

Here's what Máxima wore from 11-17 September:

  1. a) and b) Opening the new headquarters for Dutch company Van Leeuwen, 12 September. You see, we may grumble about the daily messiness of Máxima's hair, but it just means she's impervious to an actual messy hair situation. Point: Máx.
  2. Attending the 50th anniversary gala of the Dutch National Ballet, 13 September, with (a) a wrap upon arrival that she later (b) removed. While I can certainly appreciate the logic of wearing the closest thing you've got to a tutu to the ballet, something's not right. I think the Queen Bea gets my vote for best dressed here.
Photos: Dutch Photo Press/Bekia/volkskrant.nl