Friday, October 14, 2011

Best Europa 2011 stamp..



Winner of EUROPA 2011 Stamp Competition

Turkish PTT declared winner of the EUROPA 2011 Competition

PostEurop  announced Turkish PTT (Turkey), Magyar Posta (Hungary) and CTT Correios (Portugal) as the top three winners of the 2011 EUROPA Stamp Competition at the plenary dinner in Istanbul hosted by Turkish PTT on 12th October.


first-runner up

The results of this year’s Europa Stamp competition  declared on 12th October ,  heralded a new record high of 5,576 number of public votes registered from all over the world. Turkish PTT, postal operator for Turkey was declared the Gold award winner of this competition. The winning stamp from Turkish PTT was designed by Bülent Ates capturing the forest in the autumn.




Second runner up

EUROPA stamps are special stamps issued by European postal administrations/enterprises, under the aegis of PostEurop, in which 'Europe' is the central theme. In this 19th consecutive year and around the theme "Forest" to coincide with the UN campaign, “International Year of the Forest” over fifty creative entries were received from all-over Europe.
The close first-runner of the EUROPA Stamp competition was Magyar Posta, postal operator from Hungary and finally, the second-runner up of the EUROPA Stamp competition went to CTT Corrieos, postal operator for Portugal.
“Each year we see the expectations grow around EUROPA stamps from every perspective with growing interest and popularity. Indeed the stamps are more than just work of art, it personifies the country and brought together it gives us a collage of the Europe and the European Postal industry. Therefore, PostEurop has taken a bold step and issued the first ever EUROPA Stamp collection album” declares commented Botond Szebeny, PostEurop Secretary General.
Markku Penttinen, Chairman of the PostEurop Stamps and Philately working group from Itella adds, “We continue to be proud of the work done so far and the EUROPA Stamp collection album marks another great achievement for our experts. It is beautiful, memorable and immortalized

Source : Post Europ