Friday, November 11, 2011

11.11.11 Covers..


Hi ! I am just back from Manali after posting letters to my fiends with special Hidimba Devi Temple pictorial cancellation from Manali Post office shown above. On the cancellation the date is given in 11.11. 2 11 form. I got them cancelled personally to ensure that the cancellations on all envelopes are clear . This time I especially visited Manali for the special cancellatons. It was raining at Manali but I captured few photos of Manali Post Office as I came out of it . You might be interested to see Manali Post Office from where I sent you letters. I also got a lovely PostCard ( shown below) of Hidimba Devi Temple at a book shop . I hope my friends would receive the cover in good condition. Till Next Post…Have a Nice Time !!

PicturePicture 013

Hidimba Devi Temple Manali



Manali Post Office

11-11-11 special Cover

special cvr.11-11-11

Speical cover for 11.11.11 prepared by Hemant Jain ( Mandla – MP)