Saturday, November 5, 2011

Gold Star: Marie in Japan

With Victoria skating along in her maternity style and leaving us with "What a glow she has!" as our only source of praise, it's time to shed a little light on another member of the royal baby boom that's having a better sartorial time of it.

Princess Marie hasn't been hitting it out of the park at every appearance (come on, nobody does - that's unrealistic), but she's made some particularly lovely choices during her visit to Japan with Prince Joachim.

For a meeting with Empress Michiko, this black dress and white coat combo is simple but alarmingly chic. All thanks to the collar, I think.

Adding a jacket over a tighter fitting dress is a perfect way to remind people that you still have a shape under there (Victoria, take note) while still keeping it classy.

Oh, and this one is my favorite. Enough for a gold star all on its own. Bright color, perfect fit, flattering as can be. Gold star: awarded for not letting us forget that you've still got it, even with a baby on board.

Photos: Profimedia/Billed-Bladet