Monday, November 14, 2011

Joint Issue from Hong Kong and Romania..



Date of Issue: 24 November 2011

Hong Kong Post, China and Romania Post will jointly issue  special stamps featuring Handicraft  on 24 November 2011 .

"Hong Kong, China - Romania Joint Issue on Handicraft" Special Stamps


Souvenir Sheet 


Special Postmarks by Hong Kong and Romania Posts


Club News


A mega Philately Exhibition organized by J&K Postal Circle

23 to 26 November 2011, Kala Kendra, Jammu

Jammu & Kashmir Postal Circle is hosting a major Philately Exhibition titled ‘Jammu Stamps Show 2011’ from 23td to 26 November 2011 at Kala Kendra, Jammu. This four-day exhibition will showcase more than 400 frames of Indian and foreign postal stamps and stationery. This is a major event in Jammu, as more than 1 lakh rare stamps will be on display for the people of Jammu. We expect that a large number of philatelists across India will be participating in this major philately event.

The Exhibition will be inaugurated by His Excellency the Governor of Jammu & Kashmir State on 23 November 2011. The event will focus on ‘Jammu Heritage’ as Jammu has a large number of heritage buildings. 12 special covers on Jammu heritage and other key subjects will be brought out during the exhibition.

My Stamps: In addition, a series of ‘My Stamps’ focusing on UNESCO heritage sites of India, Jammu Heritage and other key subjects will be released and these will be star attractions of Jammu Stamps Show. Already, J&K Circle has brought out 24 sets of My Stamps during the Srinagar Philately Exhibition Chinar 2011 held in Sep 2011 and the series is available to the philatelists for collection.

Philately products: During Jammu Stamps Show, many Philately products will be released including the following

- 12 Special covers on Jammu Heritage,

- 8 Stamp Packs

- 8 Stamp cards

- 4 maxim cards

- 20 Greeting cards (2 sets of 10 each)

- 12 picture post cards

- Premium Post cards

- ‘My Stamp’ sets

- ‘Personalised stamps’ sets

- Presentation Packs

- Philately Book

- Philately mugs and T-shirts

- Key chains with stamps

Programs for the students: As a part of the Philately exhibition, we shall be having the following programs for the school and college students

a. Letter writing competition on the theme ‘Letter to my friend’

b. Stamp Design contest on the theme ‘India Post 2050’

c. Quiz contest for schools and colleges

d. Philately workshops on the theme ‘Learning through philately’

e. Philately Fun-Run

f. Group Discussion: Post office – Touching your lives

Post office at the Exhibition: Two Post office counters will be functioning at the Exhibition venue, one focusing on the retail sales of Philately products and the other one dealing with the corporate sales to the Philatelists. The Post office counter will have the provision to book Regd Post and Speed Post consignments. Dealers Booth will be made available on payment of a fee of Rs 5,000

Special covers brought out early: J&K Circle has been taking a few steps recently to develop philately in a creative manner. As Kashmir is known for its amazing beauty and tourist destinations, J&K Circle has brought out many Special covers recently focusing on the tourist destinations and culture of Kashmir and Ladakh. These special covers along with presentation packs are also available for sale to the philatelists

- Srinagar Special covers 12

- Ladakh special covers 6

- Siachen Base special covers 2

- Kashmir Tourist destination special covers 12

- 25 years of Speed Post special cover 1

J & K circle Carried covers: J &K Circle has recently brought out two important Carried covers

1. Carried cover on Siachen Glaciers , (released at Siachen Glaciers) carried from Leh to Siachen Glaciers through Army Helicopters by Army Commander, Northern Command and Chief PMG, J &K Cirlce

2. Carried cover on Kashmir Railways: (released at Anantnag, Kashmir by Chief PMG, J &K) carried from Anatnag Railway Station to Srinagar Railway Station through Kashmir Rail.

Both these carried covers are available for the philatelists with the signatures of Chief PMG and Army Commander, Northern Command.

Philatelists may get in touch with Philately Division, Chief PMG’s office, Srinagar (Mr C M Bhat , ASP Philately email; or with Chief Post Master General , J&K Circle (09419257000) for their philately requirements (email: )

- John Samuel

Chief Post Master General , J &K Circle