Monday, December 12, 2011

New Stamps on AIDS Prevention Campaign..


In the three decades since its first recognition, AIDS has killed nearly 30 million worldwide, mowing down communities of young gay men and intravenous drug users and making orphans of millions of children. To create awareness many postal administration have issued stamps on AIDS Prevention.



Date of Issue : 10 December 2011

The Brazilian Post has issued a series of eight stamps and an educational booklet dedicated to the 30 years of discovery of AIDS and 28 years of Brazilian response to this threatening disease. The stamps created by cartoonist Ziraldo are focusing on the risks of contracting HIV and the correct ways of preventing the virus at all stages of life.



Date of Issue : 1 December 2011

“AIDS. 30 Years”

The Ukrainian Post has joined the countries commemorating AIDS Prevention on their stamps.

From our Readers …


pack 2009 front

India Year Pack 2009

Received  Year Pack 2009 through my PDA account. I was shocked to see the price printed on the pack.
There were total 107 stamps issued in 2009, with three stamps in denomination of Rs. 20.
so the total comes to
104 x Rs. 5 = Rs. 520
3 x Rs. 20 = Rs. 60
Total = Rs. 580.

pack 2009 reverse

but the price printed on the pack was Rs. 800...!!! also the quantity of stamps issued were mentioned wrong as 104 instead of 107.Normally in previous year packs, the handling cost charged was around only Rs. 60

- Kasinath R

Special Covers

Special Covers issued during Chinar – 2011, Srinagar


Chinar-2011 008 

Chinar-2011 009 

Chinar-2011 010

Chinar-2011 011 

Chinar-2011 012



Screenshot_3  : Hemant Jain , Mandla (MP)