Tuesday, January 3, 2012

2011 in Review: Princess Máxima

Best of the Year
You'd think one of her tiara appearances would end up my best for the whole year, wouldn't you? No, no. Instead, I picked an appearance that exemplifies my two favorite things about Máx: her ability to turn up the style dial at just the right moment, and her talent for inserting as much bling as humanly possibly into a non-blingy occasion. This Valentino is just perfect and flattering and demure, all while working a turban. And for jewels, she went with diamond stars on the hat, a diamond necklace instead of plain old pearls or something, plus earrings. If I did it over again, either she or Princess Ameerah would win my pick for best dressed foreign royal at the Cambridge wedding.

Runners Up
A little bit of purple in Germany, a little bit of mustard in Monaco (ha! Only Máxima could make mustard sound appealing), a little of a blue lampshade in Monaco, a lot of blue in the Caribbean, RED - enough said, and divine black. The best of the best.

Worst of the Year
Alas, you know how it is with Princess Máxima: there are just as many candidates for the worst as there are for the best. Though I considered a turn in knickerbockers (uh, yeah) and the gold number that I just don't understand how so many of you loved (did you see what it did to her...er...chestal region? Did you?), I'm going with the most unfortunate of sartorial mishaps: the accidental see-through problem (speaking of chestal regions...). One simply must account for the hazards of flash photography. And also: what else is happening here? Some kind of sparkly collared top, but still with that hair that is the bane of so many of your existences. Baffling.

Which outfits make your best and worst lists for Máxima in 2011?

Photos: Daylife/Getty Images/Dutch Photo Press