Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Random Royal Appreciation: Windsor Shenanigans, Continued

When last we left off with those crazy Windsors, Harry was headed to Brazil, where he continued to be so very Harry.
You know: dashing and handsome, sporty and hilarious (yes, that's him with the wee bit creepy Wills mask).

And also UNBEARABLY ADORABLE. Quite the note to end his first solo tour, which I hope we can all agree was nothing less than a rousing success. Done your granny proud, H.

And speaking of granny - she was out and about and doused once again in pink for the Commonwealth Day service at Westminster Abbey yesterday (sporting a paisley motif diamond brooch from her mother). The Duchess of Cornwall turned up in purple, just for me I'm sure (much appreciated, Your Royal Highness).
And a bonus Wessex, back in action after her extended Caribbean tour! Sophie was radiant in her Katherine Hooker coat and kind as ever - as you can see, she graciously allowed some of the queen's swans to nest on her hat again. Lovely.

Photos: Daylife/Getty Images/Reuters/AP Photo