Thursday, June 6, 2013

Princess Madeleine's Wedding: Place Your Tiara Bets!

It's time for one last round of speculation before the wedding of Princess Madeleine and Chris O'Neill on Saturday, and this time our focus is tiaras! Which sparkly gems might we see, hmm?

The Bride
The most important tiara is the bridal one, of course. These are the three top contenders as I see them: the Cameo Tiara, which has tradition on its side, the Connaught Tiara, which she seems to like but has only worn in tiara form on one other occasion, and the Modern Fringe Tiara, which has been her most worn tiara to date. I know many of you are not Cameo fans, but I like it and that's what I'm hoping to see. Besides, it's looking like those Valentino rumors might be true (he and his partner are on the guest list), and I'd like to see how Valentino handles both the statement tiara and the family veil. The Connaught would be interesting, and preferable (in my mind) to the Modern Fringe, just because I'd like to see her in something special for the occasion. Obviously there are plenty of other options in the Swedish vault as well.

The Guests
Below is a list of the likely royal tiara-wearing guests (not comprehensive, obviously). What do you think they'll wear?
  • Queen Silvia, Crown Princess Victoria. I'm betting on the sapphires for Silvia. Will we see something new on Victoria, Lilian's tiara or something else?
  • Princesses Margaretha, Birgitta, Désirée, and Christina. Victoria's wedding saw a partial emptying of the vaults for the family, and I can only hope we'll see that again. Additionally, there are more members of the extended family I won't list out here that are likely to wear diadems of their own.
  • Crown Princess Mary and Princess Marie of Denmark, Princess Benedikte of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg. Marie might be the easiest guess here, with her one tiara.
  • Princesses Marie-Chantal, Tatiana, and Theodora of Greece. This will be interesting - Theodora usually wears the Antique Corsage Tiara, which also happens to be the only tiara we've seen Tatiana in so far.
  • Princess Takamado of Japan.
  • Hereditary Grand Duchess Stéphanie of Luxembourg. *Fingers crossed for the Belgian Scroll*
  • Princess Charlene of Monaco. Will we finally see her wear the Ocean Tiara in public?
  • Crown Princess Mette-Marit and Princess Märtha Louise of Norway. They shook their tiaras up for Victoria's wedding, I hope they do the same here.
  • The Countess of Wessex. Sophie's always worn her wedding tiara to tiara-wearing weddings (other tiaras sometimes for pre-wedding events, but not for the actual weddings), but I'd love a better look at the Five Aquamarine Tiara.
  • Princess Kelly of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Princesses Ursula and Anna of Bavaria. I'll be particularly interested to see if Ursula and Anna wear tiaras, as the family has recently sold the diamond sunburst tiara we usually see them wear.
If you need something to jog your guessing memory, visit the Jewel Central page. Ready? Place your bets in the comments!

Which tiaras do you think we'll see?

Programming Note: We won't have a Friday post at our usual time, but we'll be up and running for Madeleine's wedding events over the weekend.

Photos: Getty Images/IBL