Hi ! Here are some most beautiful stamps issued by New Zealand depicting picturesque scenic beauty of this beautiful country.Though the stamps are Definitive but don't seem to be definitive as normally definitive stamps are not so attrctive...The stamps show tantalising glimpse of the country’s stunning natural environments and sophisticated urban landscapes ... Because of the beautiful scenic beauty scattered around, New Zealand is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. I just love these stamps as Tourism is my subject of philatelic collection. Here are the beautiful stamps and the details about the places...This is all for Today !....Till Next Post !!....Have a Nice Time !!
Date of Issue - 1 July 2009
30 c – Tolaga Bay
Located on the North Island’s east coast, Tolaga Bay is well known for its wharf – the longest in New Zealand, at 660 metres. The wharf was built in 1929 to accommodate large coastal trading vessels, but it fell into disuse as improved roads and motor vehicles offered more efficient transport options.
$1.80 – Russell
The historic township of Russell (once known as Kororareka) was New Zealand’s first permanent European settlement and sea port. It was also the country’s first capital, but today it’s a Bay of Islands holiday town, with an abundance of shops, restaurants and bars.
$2.30 – Lake Wanaka
With an area of 192 square kilometres, Lake Wanaka is New Zia River is one of New Zealand’s largest braided rivers – and it’s crossed by New 29 are an aquatic playground for tourists, sailors, water-skiers and kayakers, while walking tracks, rivers and the surrounding Southern Alps provide outdoor adventure opportunities aplenty.
$2.80 – Auckland
Auckland has the largest population in New Zealand, with about 1.3 million people. It’s a fusion of many cultures and offers a huge range of experiences and activities for visitors and locals alike. Popularly known as 'the City of Sails’, Auckland has more yachts and launches per capita than any other city in the world.
$3.30 – Rakaia River
Rising in the Southern Alps and travelling 150 kilometres to the Pacific Ocean, the Rakaia River is one of New Zealand’s largest braided rivers – and it’s crossed by New Zealand’s longest road and rail bridges. It’s a celebrated Chinook salmon fishery and known for its populations of wrybills, black-fronted terns and banded dotterels.
$4.00 – Wellington
Wellington is New Zealand’s capital city and the country’s political centre, it also supports a thriving arts and entertainment scene, with more cafés per capita than New York City. Other attractions include the Museum of New Zealand – Te Papa Tongarewa, the biennial New Zealand International Arts Festival, the World of WearableArt, the New Zealand Sevens weekend and numerous film festivals.
Courtesy - New Zealand Post
Courtesy - New Zealand Post