Saturday, June 12, 2010

Max Cards on Astrological Signs..Part I


Hi ! Here are some nice Maxim Cards prepared by distinguished philatelist of Jabalpur, Mr Hemant Kumar Jain. Mr Jain has prepared 3 different set of Max Cards with recent stamps issued by India Post on Astrological signs.I am giving here four cards of first set and will publish other cards in forthcoming Posts. This is all for Today….Till Next Post…Have a Great Time !

Astro. Signs M.C.Set 010002


Astro. Signs M.C.Set 010001


Astro. Signs M.C.Set 010003


Astro. Signs M.C.Set 010004


Maxim Cards on Astrological Signs

Mr Hemant Kumar Jain may be contacted for these cards at e-mail :