Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Duchess of Gloucester, Lookin' Good

The Duchess of Gloucester attended the final match of the AEGON Tennis Championships, 13 June.

Congratulations are in order for the Duchess here.  She's just become a grandmother for the second time (Lady Cosima Windsor, born to her son the Earl of Ulster and his wife - cute name, right?) and by the end of the summer, she'll be a four-time grandmum (both of her daughters are also expecting, first children for both of them).  She'll celebrate her 64th birthday this month.  And she looks like this:

I know, right?!  What is this lady's secret?  There's definitely more to it than knowing how to pair an excellent lapel detail with the right floral skirt.  Congratulations indeed.

Photo: Matthew Stockman/Getty Images