Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Best of 2010: Princess Letizia

This week I'm picking out my favorite outfit worn by each of the royals I've covered regularly here on the blog. Join in the fun!

I'm pretty hard on Letizia, week-to-week. But that just means I get extra excited when she busts out something I love. Case in point:
So excited I gave it a gold star, and now I'm giving it the Best of 2010 title. I know a lot of you don't share the love for this look, so you better nominate your own in the comments!
Honorable Mentions
Looking through the Year in Letizia, I found myself tempted to honorably mention anything with a bit of color, but as you can see, I've restrained myself. I loved the red velvet appearance at a military parade (a reworking of an earlier outfit) - that's a hard dress code to abide by, so good appearances get extra credit. Also loved well-fit dresses in both repeated green and classic white, and the blue gown from Nikolaos and Tatiana's wedding. And now I'm crossing my fingers that we'll see a more colorful 2011 from Letizia.

Tell me: what was your favorite Letizia outfit of 2010?

Photos: Terra/PurePeople/Abaca