Saturday, April 9, 2011

50 years of Amnesty International …




Date of Issue : 15 March 2011

Luxembourg Post issued a set of three stamps on 15 March to commemorate 50 Years of Amnesty International.

Amnesty International is a movement dedicated to human rights of which independence and impartiality are fundamental principles. On 28 May 1961, the first campaign was launched following the appearance of an article in the Observer titled: “The Forgotten Prisoners”.
In 1977 Amnesty received the Nobel Peace Prize. 2011 marks the 50th anniversary of the Amnesty International movement whose first international meeting took place on 22 and 23 July 1961 in Luxembourg-City.

Disgusted by attacks on human rights but driven by hope for a better world, Amnesty International takes action to improve the lives of people by calling for international solidarity. Its members and sympathisers exert influence on governments, political authorities, and intergovernmental organisations.

The association includes more than 3 million members and sympathisers in more than 150 countries and regions.

Amnesty works with and for people around the world so that everyone can enjoy the rights set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

European Year of Volunteering



Date of Issue : 15 March 2011 

The European Year of Volunteering aims in a general way to encourage and support, particularly through an exchange of experiences and good practices, the efforts achieved by Member States, regional and local authorities as well as civilians to create favourable conditions for volunteering in the European Union and to increase the visibility of activities in a broad range of volunteering activities.

The European Year has the following objectives:

  • 1. To work to put in place a favourable framework for volunteering in the European Union.
  • 2. To provide the means for voluntary organisations to act and improve the quality of volunteers.
  • 3. To reward and recognise the activities of volunteers.
  • 4. To increase public awareness of the value and importance of volunteering.

It is important to stress the importance of this European Year of Volunteering which raises awareness of the contributions and activities of numerous benefactors whose efforts lead to the creation of a more just, more democratic, and more responsible society.