Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Say Cheese….



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Date of Issue : 25 March 2011 

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Poste Italiane   issued a set of four regular stamps in the "Made in Italy" series on 25 March 2011, dedicated to the PDO cheeses: Gorgonzola, Parmigiano Reggiano, Mozzarella di Bufala Campana and Ragusano.

Each stamp shows the dairy product and the stamps are dedicated to: Mozzarella di Bufala Campana, in its characteristic round shape and in the plaited and knotted versions; Gorgonzola, Parmigiano Reggiano and Ragusano, both in whole wheels and in wedges and slices. In each of the illustrations, at the bottom on the right is the PDO trademark (Protected Denomination of Origin, DOP in Italian).



Ragusano is a cheese from whole cows' milk, with medium to long ageing, having a block shape and a square cross-section, with rounded corners. It is possible to find slight grooves on the surface from the cords used to hang the cheese during the ageing process. The external color is a straw to golden yellow, tending towards brown with further ageing.




Buffalo mozzarella (Italian: mozzarella di bufala) is a mozzarella made from the milk of the domestic water buffalo rather than from cow milk.




Parmigiano-Reggiano is a hard granular cheese, cooked but not pressed, named after the producing areas near Parma, Reggio Emilia, Modena, Bologna, and Mantova, Italy.




Gorgonzola is a veined Italian blue cheese, made from unskimmed cow's and/or goat's milk. It can be buttery or firm, crumbly and quite salty, with a 'bite' from its blue veining.

: Poste Italiane 

Club News

INDIPEX –2011 Marklists

Indian exhibitors of INDIPEX 2011 who wish to get detailed marksheet of their exhibit  may write to Mr Rajesh Kumar Bagri, Commissioner General (Hony.) Indipex 2011 at email : rkbagri.indipex2011@gmail.com  


Year Book 2011

Mr Madan Middha the publisher of Year Book of Indian Philately needs suggestions from the Readers for Year Book 2011..for which he has started working Readers are requested to send their suggestions about contents of the new edition. Articles are also invited from the readers. Please contact Mr Middia email madan_middha@yahoo.co.in

Year Book 2010


Year Book of Indian Philately 2010 edited and published by Mr Madan Middha is a very informative reference book for all collectors as it contains all necessary data of Indian philately and activities during the year 2010. The previous edition of the Year book has recently won Bronze medal award at INDIPEX 2011 and was awarded a Silver medal at SINE, National Philatelic Exhibition. Besides different data, covering different aspects of Indian Philately .The book contains comprehensive articles by noted philatelists of India which cover various important topics of Philately.

The book contains more than 264 pages with 30 Chapters and it covers stamps, sheetlets, Postmarks/ Cancellations, Events, Baton Relay Covers, Society News, International Exhibitions, Philatelic Periodicals, Current Postal Rates & Philatelic Museums of the world and a variety of informative articles by well known philatelists of India. The book will prove to be useful for all Stamp Lovers. It is an essential reference book which is recommended to all the lovers of Indian philately and philatelists in general.

Price Rs 200 US $ 15 Contact Address : Madan Middha, Saket Vihar, Phalka Bazar, Gwalior 474001.

e mail : madan_middha@yahoo.co.in   Ph. 0 930 110 1244