Wednesday, February 8, 2012

A stamp for Mars?



The competition began !

CNES, French Space Agency, and the French Post Office, recognizing the interest of collectors, especially younger ones, for space are launching a competition to create a stamp which will make its route to the planet Mars! The French Post offers young people to invent a visual design of the stamp to write to the "Red Planet".

The design competition takes place from January 30 to April 16, 2012, for youth from 10 to 17 years. Numerous prizes are await of the winner, including a trip for two to Guyana provided by CNES and the opportunity to attend a launch of the Ariane rocket!

The design of the stamp to Mars can be achieved through different techniques such as collage, painting, drawing with crayons, markers.

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Press Clippings




: Ashwani Dubey - Gorakhpur