Friday, February 10, 2012

New Special Cover


Stamp EXPO – 2012 , Patna 



Folk Painting of Bihar



Stamp Booklet : Faces of Buddha



Screenshot_3 :Ashwani Dubey from Patna

Club News


Advertise in “Year Book of Indian Philately”

Dear Friend,

You must have seen a couple of editions of the “Year Book of Indian Philately” and must have liked them. The feedback and responses are very encouraging. We are inspired to do better and more, and trust us, you will find every next issue of the Year Book more informative, more interesting & more preserving. You must also have realized that a lot of hard and sincere work is required to make this happen. Another vital resource which is required for this type of task is the finances.

At the moment we are making all the shortages good by ourselves, but we wish to break-even at the least to sustain the work. Philately is our passion and we do not mind spending for it, but rising costs of production / publication have forced us to look out for the alternates and helping avenues.

In this context we take this opportunity to request you to please look around you and see if any advertisements are available around you or your influences, which can be secured for your favorite publication - the “Year Book of Indian Philately”. This will help us immensely to do further better and to our fullest capabilities for the promotion of this great hobby.

Rates for the advertisements can be sent / negotiated on hearing from you.

We have added a novelty to this request for advertisements. We will provide the advertiser, copies of the Year Book editions (any of his choice), worth equal to the value of the advertisement he provides, (T&C applied). This translates into absolutely no spending on account of the advertisement published in the Year Book. He will have the opportunity to recover the entire cost of the advertisement by selling the copies allotted to him in the process.

Now, is there still any reason to shy away from this “never before” opportunity to advertise in a world class journal?

Do we need to mention here that your advertisement in the Year Book of Indian Philately will reach a large number of serious and capable segments of the Philatelic fraternity the world over and will be preserved as a ready reference for the times to come? In every sense of the word this is an unique & unparalleled opportunity for an advertiser of any reputed product or service, philatelic or otherwise.

It will not be out of context to mention here that every time the Year Book has participated in any competitive exhibition, it has won an award there. Medals at the INDIPEX 2011 at New Delhi, at PHILA NIPPON 2011 at Yokohama in Japan, at CHINA 2011, at Wuxi in China and at SINE 2011, again at New Delhi, are among the latest laurels.

We look forward for a positive, encouraging and prompt response from you.

Thanking you, sincerely,

Madan Middha

Editor / Publisher

For advertisement in “Year Book of Indian Philately” Contact Mr Madan Middha   email :