Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Wedding Wednesday: Laura Ponte's Gown

Beltrán Gómez-Acebo y Borbón and Laura Ponte y Martínez
September 18, 2004
Segovia, Spain

Our look at colorful royal bridal tiaras prompted immediate interest in one of the gowns glimpsed in that post, as well it should have: Laura Ponte's wedding gown is one of the most unique gowns in the last decade of royal weddings (in my own humble opinion, of course).
The groom is the nephew of King Juan Carlos of Spain (his mother is Infanta Pilar, the king's older sister); the bride, a Spanish model. The wedding was the culmination of a seven year relationship started at a Paris party thrown by Princess Tatiana of Liechtenstein.
When fashion is your career, I suppose the one thing you ought to know how to do is make an impression, and Laura did just that. She turned to old friend Miguel Palacio for her gown and the result is, I would say, precisely the outcome you would expect from a close and time-tested relationship between designer and bride: a dress so very suited to its bride you can't imagine anyone else wearing it.
The mousseline silk dress is exceedingly modest but very slim fit, saving it from looking like a nun's habit. The sleek silhouette gives it an air of 1930s glamour, while the belt and veil treatment are straight off of a 1920s bride (reminiscent of the Queen Mother's gown, as some of you noted previously, as well as others).
The belt is in fact silver hand embroidery which wraps around the low waist and winds its way up her back and around her shoulders. The veil is gorgeous heirloom lace, borrowed from her sister-in-law Isabel Peñalosa. The look is capped by her interesting treatment of Infanta Pilar's diamond and sapphire tiara: she anchored it upside down on her forehead.
I'll confess, I had a negative reaction the first time I saw this gown; it looked more like a costume than a wedding gown. But I see it now, that it's hers and no one else's, and in that respect it works in extremely well in every way.
Beltrán and Laura have two children, Luis Felipe and Laura; a separation was confirmed a couple years ago.

What do you think of Laura's wedding gown?

Photos: Hola