Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Wedding Wednesday: May Brides

We're into wedding season now - and the royal weddings are overflowing! Plenty of brides we've already seen here married in May, as well as loads that aren't pictured below (a couple of our featured brides this month aren't shown below either).

May 6, 1960
Mmmm. Still wedding dress bliss, this one.

The Duke of Braganza and Isabel de Herédia
May 13, 1995
Funny how different a full skirt can be from one bride to another, no? We see this couple at various large European royal events - he's the claimant to the (no longer in existence) Portuguese throne.

May 14, 1962
Lace and shimmer - that's a real royal wedding gown.

May 14, 2004
This one seems to either be loved or hated...which side do you fall on?

Princess Ragnhild of Norway and Erling Lorentzen
May 15, 1953
Ragnhild, who just passed away last year, was the older sister of King Harald and Princess Astrid.

May 17, 2008
These two were out and about with the Queen's great-granddaughters (that would be their two daughters, Savannah and Isla) over the weekend, and it was pretty cute.

May 17 & 19, 2001
Another Dutch pair, to cap our recent Dutch fascination.

May 22, 2004
Inevitably grouped together with Crown Princess Mary's dress, Letizia's seems to garner more preferable reviews overall, but neither was a candidate for your list of favorite royal wedding gowns.

May 24, 2002
Märtha Louise reused the brooch that closed her wedding gown coat just a few months ago, at the wedding in Luxembourg.

May 24, 2008
Marie's dress has grown on me over the years, but I still think the waist was a touch too low.

King Hussein of Jordan and Antoinette Gardiner
May 25, 1961
This was the second of Hussein's four marriages; the bride received the name Muna al-Hussein when she converted to Islam and was later made a princess. She's the mother of the current King of Jordan, Abdullah.

May 29 & 30, 1998
And finally, another Dutch bride, this one recently discussed. We'll move on from our Dutch brides this month.

Who's your favorite May bride?

Photos: Corbis/Getty Images/ANP/Scanpix