Thursday, August 15, 2013

Tiara Thursday: Princess Benedikte's Floral Tiara

I thought this one might have a good showing in a floral tiara competition, but it didn’t prove to be so popular. Perhaps that’s because it isn’t quite so well known, so let’s have a closer look and see what you think:
Princess Benedikte's Floral Tiara
The three daughters of King Frederik IX and Queen Ingrid of Denmark each received a tiara for her 18th birthday: the Alexandrine Drop Tiara for Margrethe, this floral tiara for Benedikte, and the Antique Corsage Tiara for Anne-Marie. Benedikte's present is made of diamonds set in gold and silver, and the center stone can be swapped between an emerald (shown above), a pearl, and a diamond.
Princess Benedikte
Like the tiara given to Anne-Marie, Queen Ingrid reused a piece already in her jewel box to create this gift. In this case, a floral brooch that previously belonged to her mother-in-law, Queen Alexandrine, was adapted to take center stage in the tiara. The tiara today breaks into three separate pieces for use as brooches.
Princesses Alexandra (left) and Nathalie (right)
Benedikte still wears the tiara today, and when the large Danish family gatherings call for tiaras, she shares it with her two daughters, Princesses Alexandra and Nathalie of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg (of the two, it seems to be a particular favorite with Alexandra). All combined, it gets a fair amount of outings.
Pearl and diamond versions
As floral tiaras go, I’ve always thought this one was quite a lovely little design. Changing only one stone doesn’t make a huge difference, but it’s always nice to have options.

How do you rate this as a floral tiara?
(And…which sister got the better birthday present?)

Photos: Bodilbinner/Getty Images/AOP/Aitor