- Day 1 of the couple's economic mission in China, 21 October. Saucy little jacket, no? Looks fab.
- Day 2, first outfit, 22 October.
- Day 2, second outfit with (a) and without (b) the cape, 22 October. I am currently obsessed with capes, just so you know. Anything fun and swoopy with maybe just a dash of Severus Snape works for me.
That would be Guillaume, also known as the Hereditary Grand Duke of Luxembourg, also known as the only unmarried European heir of decent legal age left, ladies.
And in other Mathilde news, new pics were released to celebrate Princess Elisabeth's 10th birthday.
The family that coordinates together stays together. Go team purple!
Photos: Nieuwsblad/HLN/SIP/Charles Caratini/Cour gr ducale