Thursday, December 8, 2011

The Day of Dipok Dey !!


Post Perfect


dipok dey


  I am extremely pleased to share here the interview of  Shri Dipok Dey, renowned artist and  Grand Old man of  Indian Philately, published in  Harmony Celebrate Age, November 2011 issue, edited by Tina Ambani, published from Bombay. Dipok Dey popularly know as Dada among all philatelists but for me he is my  beloved uncle whom I know since my school days and  I  remember very well  the time in 1985 when he designed first UN Stamp on Child Survival and then late Shri BJ Kumar of Kanpur published an article on him in U - Phil Times  with the title “The Day of Dipok Dey” at that time I was learning the working of a philatelic magazine….. I have also fond out that article written by late Shri Nishith Kar and sharing here too…Just read the articles “ Post Perfect ” published in November 2011 issue of  prestigious magazine Harmony Celebrate Age  and The Day of Dipok Dey published in U- Phil Times May – June 1986 issue ……It is the Day of Dipok Dey !!

child survival

The United Nations  stamp issued on 22 November 1985  shown on left was designed by Dipok Dey  

dipok deydipok dey

Published in  Harmony Celebrate Age, November 2011 issue, edited by Tina Ambani

Down Memory Lane…..

The Day of Dipok Dey – by Nishith Kar

Published in U- Phil Times May - June 1986 issue

Picture 011

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image Harmony- a magazine (India Today Group) for senior citizens launched by Tina Ambani,