Luxembourg's Royal court has released the much-awaited itinerary of Prince Guillaume's wedding to Stéphanie in October.

With a civil wedding service at the Luxembourg Town Hall on Friday and a religious service in the Cathedral the following day, there will be plenty of opportunities for the public to get a glimpse of the Royal couple.
Friday festivities
Festivities will begin on October 19 with the civil service taking place at 3.30pm. Members of the public will be able take move freely around Place Guillaume II where they can get a peek before and after the ceremony.
From there, the pair will move to the nearby Grand Ducal Palace for a Gala dinner, which begins at 7.30pm. During the course of the afternoon, the couple will also meet with representatives from local youth organisations, as is the tradition.
Saturday's itinerary
The following day will see Stéphanie and Guillaume attend a sumptuous religious wedding at the capital's Cathédral Notre-Dame, beginning at 11am. The public will be able to line the streets outside the cathedral. This will be followed by a public address to be organised by the Ville de Luxembourg. No further details were available on this at the time of publishing.
The wedding party will then move to the Grand Ducal Palace for a wedding reception at 1pm.