Hi Readers ! I am back with the latest philatelic news. I am visiting different places. After Lucknow, now I am in my hometown, Kanpur and posting this small post for you. Hope all of you are enjoying Deepawali festival. Here is an exhibition news from Bhubaneshwar. This is all for today !.......Till next post Have a Great Time !
EIPEX-2008, Bhubaneswar
The 1st Eastern India Philatelic Exhibition (EIPEX-08) was organized by the Eastern India Philatelists’ Association with active support of the Department of Posts, Orissa Circle at Jayadev Bhawan on 25th and 26th October, 2008. Two special covers were released during the exhibition. The theme of the exhibition was Unity in Diversity. The exhibition was inaugurated by His Excellency Sri Muralidhar Chandrakant Bhandare, the Governor of Orissa as Chief Guest and released the special cover on peace depicting Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa and Swamy Vivekanand with cachet cancellation of Pigeon. Shri K.V. Sundar Rajan, The CPMG, Orissa Circle was the Guest of Honour. The meeting was presided over by Shri Bijayshree Routray, the Chaiman, EIPEX-08 and President EIPA. Shri Anup Kumar Raut, Organising Secretary, EIPEX-08 introduced the Guests. Shri Ajit Kumar Dash, Secretary, EIPA presented the Report of EIPA. Vote of thanks was given by Shri Shanti Swarup Rath, Convener, EIPEX-08. The Honorable Governor has appreciated the organizing committee for conducting a beautiful exhibition and also highly impressed upon the design of special cover in his speech. 31 participants from Bhubaneswar, Cuttack, Rourkela, Keonjhar, Boudh, Bolangir, Sambalpur , Dhenkanal, Rengali, Berhampur, etc. from Orissa and one exhibit from Ghazizbad (U.P.) have taken part in the exhibition in 100 frames. The exhibition was non-competitive one. All the participants were given a commemorative memento.
Philatelic Quiz and painting competitions between the School students were also organized by the organizers which was conducted by Shri Anil Kumar Dhir. 200 students from 20 Schools took part in the said competitions and received prizes from the chief Guest on the concluding day.
For the first time EIPA has introduced a ‘EIPA-Life Time Achievement Award for Promotion of Philately’ and the award for this year was given to Shri Jadunath Kanungo out of three nominations. Shri Kanungo received his award with citation from His Excellency Sri Muralidhar Chandrakant Bhandare, the Governor of Orissa. The EIPA-Life Time Achievement Award for Promotion of Philately will be given to the philatelists having outstanding contribution for the promotion of Philately in every four years.
A Philatelic counter was also opened by the Department of Posts at the venue. There were four dealers booths were also opened which were provided by EIPA free of cost to facilitate availability of philatelic materials at reasonable price to the philatelists and stamp lovers. Dealers from Kolkata and Orissa attended the exhibition. .
The exhibition was concluded on 26th October, 2008. Shri Santosh Kumar Kamila, Postmaster General, Berhampur Region was the chief Guest and inaugurated a beautiful souvenir of EIPEX-08 featuring several useful articles of Senior Philatelists. He also released a special cover on Unity in diversity depicting the religious places of different religion with the background of National flag. The cachet design is also depicting the theme having the portrait of Gandhiji.
For further details the Secretary, EIPA may be contacted in the e-mail eipaorissa@gmail.com or eipaorissa@yahoo.co.in .
The members of Orissa Philatelic Association, Kalinga Philatelic Society, Utkal Philatelic & Numismatic Assiciation, Keonjhar Philatelic Association, Bolangir Philatelic Club and South Orissa Philatelic Association actively took part in the exhibition and made the exhibition a grand success.