Friday, August 13, 2010

Flashback Friday: Mary's Maternity Style

Maternity fashion is a tricky thing, isn't it?  When done right, it enhances the mum-to-be's glow tenfold, but it can go off the rails so quickly.  Mary's ready to suit up again; let's see how she did the last two times, shall we?

Some casual gear:

A selection of dresses:

More mommy daywear:

And evening maternity wear, featuring the Diane von Furstenberg black and white print we saw again right before the announcement:
Also, that lace top on the far right sure looks like something she sported back in Stockholm, but I can't be sure.

I liked the black von Furstenberg better the first time around, how about you?  Any other repeat requests for the Crown Princess?  Personally, I'm hoping we get the opportunity to see a little maternity gala wear, tiara and all.  But that's mostly because I'm always hoping for more tiaras.
