Wednesday, June 8, 2011

New Stamps from Romania

Date of Issue : 2 June 2011

Romania Post issued a beautiful set of two stamps   on Circus and 6 stamps on first six Zodiac signs.Both the sets are unique and wonderful !!



In the glory period of the Roman Empire, the circus represented one of the most accessible and favourite forms of entertainment. The manner of existence and organization of the activities, united under the name of circus, bears the clear mark of the temperament of different peoples and continents.

In Ancient Rome, the word “circus” meaning a circle or ring, defined the spaces having this shape where manifestations specific to that time took place: soldiers competing to demonstrate their qualities as great fighters, animal taming etc.

After the fall of the Roman Empire, circus continued its existence in Europe due to the organized groups of actors who were present with their performances, especially in the town fairs. In the Middle Ages, in Saxony, people saw these nomads also as an important source that could supply information about what was happening in the world, since strolling artists sang, told stories and most of the times brought news about other towns. After the Normans invasion, the juggler emerged in the world of the Saxon circus decreasing initially the popularity of minstrels. Subsequently, the circus actors learned to combine the representation styles and to share their dexterity tricks.

The history of the Romanian circus started in 1874 in Bucharest when the first autochthonous circus Sidoli Circus was set up, in the location of the present Gambrinus Beerhouse founded by I. L. Caragiale.The period between 1960 and 1970 was beneficial for the development of the acrobatic art, juggling and, implicitly, the circus show. The Romanian jugglers were highly appreciated by the audience on the stages of many countries performing as skilled acrobats, tightrope walkers, and illusionists.

Stamps on Zodiac Signs



Date of Issue 5 May 2011

Romfilatelia issued a MS of 6 postage stamps issue on Zodiac signs Part I, illustrating the first six signs.


Club News

Honor for Indian Philatelist


Mr Praful Thakkar’s book Collector's Guide to First Day Covers & Folders of India 1947-1964 Official & Private has been awarded Silver Bronze medal in NAPEX 2011 held at Washington, USA. After Portugal and South Africa, now in USA also the work has been appreciated. Award List is available at following link :


Praful Thakkar is a renowned philatelist from Ahmedabad and retired as Indian Administrative Officer. He is a double Limca Book Record Holder in 2009 for Autographs & Canteen Tokens and indeed is a collector of autographs, stamps, First Day Covers (FDCs), coins, medals, tokens, badges , badge plates etc. and many more collectibles of India since last more than 45 years. For philatelic collectors, he has written Collector's Guide to Covers & Folders of India 1947-1964 - Official & Private. Through this book, he has tried to give a dimension to Philatelic facet of early classic period by cataloging Official FDCs, Private FDCs and Folders of this time.

Thematic Gallery of Indian/World Autographs-Limca Record Holder 2009

Classic Gallery of Indian Numismatics