Friday, March 9, 2012

Random Royal Appreciation: More Touring Windsors

This post contains two of my favorite things: a man in uniform and a tiara. That's all the intro I need, probably.

Let's start with none of the above, though, and pick up where we last left off with Edward and Sophie's Great Caribbean Tour.
Sadly, not much to see, because coverage of the last bit of their trip in Montserrat, St. Kitts and Nevis, Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda died off (BOO). Anyway, the most notable thing we can see is a dress repeat in the floral number! S'okay, Soph, heaven only knows how many times the royal gents wear the same suit on a given tour.

Also, this happened:
Jaunty, Ed. Moving on now...

Attention shifted over to Prince Harry who was touring solo for the first time in Belize, the Bahamas, and Jamaica for the Diamond Jubilee. I've said it before and I'll say it again: so far, they've done a bang up job matching locale to royal.
 Where else but here could Harry be so...Harry! Have a rum punch, no worries.

Go casual, even "beat" Usain Bolt in a race while you're at it.

Charm the tactile Jamaican prime minister, who doesn't want the queen to her head of state any longer. Let Harry be Harry! Also: any man that can make a beige suit work earns extra points. Though, if I may, a word about those shoes...
 Oh, Harry. Me no like. And IN BLUE? Oh my. I don't know if I can get over that.

 Never mind, I'm over it.

This visit also brought us some charming glimpses of Captain Wales in action, even debuting his tropical dress uniform for the Blues and Royals with the sky blue beret of the Army Air Corps, a ceremonial sword, and his medals (from left to right, his Afghanistan campaign, the Golden Jubilee, and the brand spanking new Diamond Jubilee medal). Some of you don't like the white shoes that typically go along with a tropical dress uni, so I hope you're pleased now. (Me, I'm not picky. In this one area.)

Harry's now hitting Brazil, where there's sure to be even more fun (and polo!).

Finally, because it's Friday, I'll throw this in here: the queen was out and about this week in London sporting a tiara - wait, make that THE tiara - for the Order of the British Empire service.
Trotting around in tiaras and capes in broad daylight - I'm dying with jealousy over here.

Photos: British Monarchy/Press Association/Antigua and Barbuda/Daylife/Getty Images/Reuters