Saturday, October 15, 2011

New Christmas stamps from New Zealand..



Date of Issue : 2 November 2011

Christmas is a time to spend with friends and family, and often reflect on the true meaning of Christmas – the birth of baby Jesus. The new Christmas 2011 stamps to be issued by New Zealand Post on 2 November 2011  feature key moments in the Nativity story. Each gummed stamp has a unique diamond shape and features metallic gold printing, adding to the festive feel of the issue.


New Zealand Christmas 2011 stamp issue portrays the Nativity – the traditional Christian story that has been told and treasured by people around the world for generations.

60c - Baby Jesus

Upon arriving in Bethlehem, Mary and Joseph found there was no room at the inn and had to stay in a stable with the animals. During the night, Jesus was born and placed in a manger.

$1.20 - Angel

In the fields outside Bethlehem, shepherds looked after their flocks through the night. An Angel appeared to them and brought them the good news that the Son of God had been born.

$1.90 - Mary and Joseph

In the stable, Mary and Joseph held the baby Jesus wrapped in swaddling clothes in their arms, and gazed at him adoringly.

$2.40 - Shepherds

The shepherds hurried to see Jesus after receiving the message of good news from the Angel. They found him lying in the manger and were filled with great joy.

$2.90 - Wise Men

When Jesus was born, a bright star appeared in the sky. Three wise men followed it to where Jesus lay. They worshipped him and offered gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.



2011 Christmas Self Adhesive First Day Cover

Special Covers



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New Member

Name : P Ramakrishnan

City : Chennai/ India

Email :,

Postal address :  42 varalakshmi Nagar Extn, Kolathur, Chennai - 99

Collecting interests : Army Stamps and special covers.

I am one of the Members of South India Philatelist’s Association, Chennai.   I have been collecting Stamps since 1977.  Participated in different Philatelic Exhibitions.  I have displayed Indian Army Stamps and Indian Army Postal Service Covers in the Seniors\General Category title of Indian Army for the State level.