Saturday, March 21, 2009

Menton - The town of lemons

Menton - The town of lemons
Date of Issue - 2 March 2009

Hi ! Here is a stamp recently issued by France on Menton - town in France known for lemons.Menton is located on the Franco-Italian border, within the confines of the Côte d'Azur and the Ligurian Alps. It boasts a warm micro-climate favorable to lemon, tangerine, and orange groves.Menton is famous for its gardens, including the Jardin Serre de la Madone, the Jardin botanique exotique de Menton ("Le Val Rahmeh"), the Fontana Rosa, and the Maria Serena garden. As the town is known for special lemons, The Lemon Festival takes place every February. The festival follows a given theme each year; past themes include Viva España, Disney, Neverland, and India. The festival lasts a few days, with different bands passing through Menton's streets on foot or on truck trailers. The Casino Gardens in the centre of town are decorated in the theme of the festival, using lemons to cover the exhibits, and huge temporary statues are built and covered with citrus fruit. Its a lovely place full of lemons so fresh and refreshing ! I just love lemons so I cannot miss to write about this nice stamp. Well in India, most of the parts have been experiencing rise in temperature and lemons are going to be favourite of many. But here in Kullu we have snowfall on surrounding hills today making the weather a bit colder.This is all for this evening !......Till Next Post....Have a Nice Time !