Sunday, March 1, 2009

Souvenir from Spain .....

Hi ! Here is a recent stamp from Spain issued on 2 January 2009. The stamp shown above depicts two popular and typical Spanish complements: the hand –held fan and the Manila shawl. The hand-held fan besides being a complement used to induce airflow for the purpose of cooling or refreshing oneself has been used throughout history in a more or less secret, unspoken code of messages. This implement transmitted a secret code for communication purposes between people. The fan had its own meaning depending on of its movements. What a beautiful fan and interesting fact related with this typical hand fan from spain.The shawl is equally beautiful. While writing about shawl I must mention here that the Shawls of Kullu, the place where I live are world famous and besides an important tourist destination, Kullu is known for its finest quality of shawls woven here by the local people. This is all for today ! ......Till Next Post ...Have a Nice Time !...

Hand Fan
The folding fan first appeared in Spain in the XVI century and soon began to be imported from Italy and France in such a number that King Charles II limited their importation in 1679. In the XVIII century there were a large number of specialized craftsmen and the city of Valencia became the main manufacturer. In 1802, the Royal Fan Manufacturer was established in this city.

Manila Shawl
The Manila shawl is an accessory for dresses and originally came from China. It was introduced into Manila, a former Spanish colony in the XVI century. It is made of silk and richly embroidered and was introduced by Spanish merchants into the American colonies of Mexico, Guatemala and Peru and from there it’s use expanded to the United States. A century later it became very popular in Spain and was used as a complement and as a way of keeping warm. From Spain, its use was extended throughout Europe. Initially Chinese motifs were embroidered in Manila shawls but when they were introduced in Spain, these motifs began to depict autochthonous Spanish flora. This elegant garment, with its long fringes is nowadays worn on special occasions and solemn events.