Saturday, January 14, 2012

Royal Fashion Awards: The Ruby Jubilee at City Hall

It's Jubilee time! Yes, 40 years ago today, Queen Margrethe became the Queen of Denmark. After a low-key ceremony laying wreaths on the graves of King Frederick IX and Queen Ingrid this morning, the Danish royal family (along with some special guests) headed to Copenhagen's City Hall for a reception. And they certainly turned up in some discussion-worthy outfits...

Worst in Margrethe Inspiration
Princess Nathalie
Left to right: Princess Benedikte of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg, Queen Anne-Marie of Greece, Princess Nathalie of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg, Queen Sonja of Norway
Uh huh. I see what the ladies are doing here. They all decided to dress in honor of the woman of the hour. A little bit of fur, a little bit of luxurious fabric, a little bit of interest on top of the head, and you've got yourself a Mini-Margrethe. Some can pull it off (Anne-Marie, hello), and others...not so much. Nathalie, sweetie, of all the hats your mother owns, this is the one you borrow? The one with the koosh ball on the back? Mmmkay.

Best in Non-Margrethe
Crown Princess Mary
L to R: Carina Axelsson, Princess Theodora of Greece, Princess Alexandra of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg, Crown Princess Mary of Denmark, Princess Marie-Chantal of Greece
On the other hand, some ladies ran in the other direction. I dare say Daisy would not be caught dead in such plain gray on such an occasion! Tsk, tsk. Perhaps Alexandra's Carmen Sandiego chapeau, Carina's coat, or Marie-Chantal's welcome pop of color would get the greatest thumbs up from Margrethe herself, but I'm rather partial to Mary and her elegant bouclé number. Even the hat gets marks for falling rather low on the fascinator scale.

Weirdest Hat
Queen Silvia
I suddenly have the worst craving for a black and white cookie...huh.

Best Dressed
Queen Margrethe
I have to say, it's not that often that Margrethe earns a best-dressed award on the merit of her outfit alone. But what a day to do it, huh? The picture-perfect Snow Queen.

Who makes your best dressed list at the City Hall?

Photos: Images/Daylife