Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Things That Make You Go Hmm...: Daisy's Party Hat

We haven't even discussed the sartorial horrors we don't want to see repeated in 2012 yet (Friday!), but I thought you should know that Queen Margrethe has a late entry to the game:
Look at this magnificent New Year's Eve party outfit. Just look at it. Now, it looks like it was a costume party to me, but that's the great thing about Daisy: one never quite knows.

And if it was indeed a fancy dress shindig, here's my question: What on earth is she trying to be? A Vegas construction worker with an accidentally smashed raven underneath his hat? A robber fresh from her haul at the Alexander McQueen showroom? Hmm. Anybody wanna try and explain this one? 

Photo: Svenskdam